Support Scanners Expression Series Epson Expression 1680

How do I uninstall EPSON TWAIN Pro Network?

  • Follow the procedure for uninstalling EPSON TWAIN Pro Network on your system.
    - Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Me, and Windows NT:
    1. Click Start, then click Programs, EPSON Network Scanner, EPSON TWAIN Pro Network Uninstall.
    2. When you're finished, restart your computer.
    - Macintosh:
    1. Insert the EPSON Expression 1680 Scanning Tools CD-ROM in your drive.
    2. Double-click the EPSON TWAIN Pro Network folder.
    3. Double-click the EPSON TWAIN Pro NET Installer icon. Select Remove here. Click the Remove button.
    4. At the Installer window, select Remove at the top of the window, then click the Remove button.
    5. When you're finished, restart your computer.
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