Support Projectors BrightLink Series Epson BrightLink 455Wi

How do I uninstall Easy Interactive Tools (EIT)?

  • Make sure Easy Interactive Tools is not running, then follow the steps below for your operating system.

    1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
    2. In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, select Programs and Features—or, if you're using Classic view, select Programs, then click Uninstall a program.

      In Windows XP, double-click Add or Remove Programs.
    3. Click EIToolsvxxx in the list of currently installed programs and click Uninstall/Change (Windows 7 or Windows Vista) or Change/Remove (Windows XP). Click Yes or Continue if necessary.
    Mac OS X
    1. Open the Hard Drive.
    2. Select Applications > Easy Iteractive Tools Ver xxx.
    3. Run EIToolsVxxx_Uninstaller.
Published:  Feb 11, 2011 Was this helpful?​ Thank you for the feedback!
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