Elevate Your Labels with ColorWorks® Color Label Printers

Use our printers to add color to your labels to make your products shine.

Do Labels Differently™

Elevate your business with eye-catching color and streamlined operations.

Fresh Food Labeling

Level up your fresh food packaging with colorful, eye-catching labels to help increase customer engagement.

An Epson C6000 on a warehouse table printing out a colorful shoebox label.

Inventory Identification

Add can’t-miss-it color for inventory, production, and shelf tag management to improve operations.

A corporate vendor in a business meeting wearing a colorful visitor ID badge.

Visitor and Tradeshow Management

Easily identify visitors or tradeshow attendees at a distance through color identification based on security credentials.

Label Boost® Software

Shipping Labels Reimagined

Grow your business by adding coupons, ads, cross-promotion and more to your shipping label. Reduce cost and streamline operations with secondary labels and highlighting critical information.*

Epson Products Worldwide

Explore real life case studies of ColorWorks On-Demand Label Printers at work around the world.

Fira de Barcelona

Learn about how one of the most important trade fair organizations in Europe finds success with ColorWorks Label Printers for event badges.


Discover how RaceTrac is utilizing ColorWorks Label Printers to increase operational flexibility while decreasing costs and eliminating inefficiencies.

More Case Studies

Read more about how others are using ColorWorks Label Printers to improve their operations and customer experiences.

Epson’s ColorWorks Printer Lineup

Other Ways that Epson Helps You Do Labels Differently™

An Epson ColorWorks C6500P printer printing a GHS chemical label.

Print Labels in One Easy Step

Print different labels with variable data in one step without having to change the label roll—and no need to stockpile pre-printed label rolls.

A GHS chemical label roll.

ColorWorks Media

Epson offers a wide range of genuine and third-party media that are compatible with ColorWorks printers to help deliver the right label for your application.

A shoebox label, red wine vinegar label and vitamin supplement label arranged together.

Label Applications

Explore the different ways you can use ColorWorks Label printers to help your workflow.

A stack of shoeboxes with colorful labels in a warehouse.

Do Labels Differently™

An elementary school visitor with a colorful ID badge giving a class presentation.
A prescription bottle with medical information printed in full color.

Learn More About ColorWorks

ColorWorks On-Demand Label Printers give your business the opportunity to print with
efficiency, flexibility and high-quality color, whenever and wherever you need.

Contact Us

*Compatible with CW-C4000, CW-C6000, and CW-C6500 series printers.